
"Looking to rent or buy an empty foundry"

Georg Sandmann

This advertisment issued by our founder Georg Sandmann and his wife Maria Sandmann in the beginning of 1927 was the start of the track record of Eisenwerk Bruehl GmbH.

Georg Sandmann, 1876 - 1952, would like to thrive on his entrepreneurial power once again when he was 51 years old. Priorly he has been promoted to various positions in the Top Management of the foundry industry where he was since 1925 part of the management board of the "Steel Works Association".

Inspired by the vision that automobiles will be in short term the most popular means of transport he focussed on manufacturing of cylinder-blocks and cylinder-heads. New processes were the base for series manufacturing. Increased demands, co-operation with automotive engineering, pricision quality checks, targeting market orientation and the utilization of new technologies were Georg Sandmanns concept which is still valid.

Chronicles in pictures